Buying a copy of Milky Moments

You can buy a copy of Milky Moments from pretty much any online book retailer from wherever you are in the world … or direct from the publisher, Pinter and Martin. The book is available in both hardback (beautiful limited edition) and paperback editions and for Kindle as well.hero

Do check with your local book shop to see if they have it, a number of small independent booksellers are stocking Milky Moments as are a number of toyshops, and it helps to raise awareness if people pop in and ask about it! Check in larger stores like Barnes and Noble or Waterstones, WH Smiths etc as it is for sale on some of their shelves too.

If you do want to purchase the book online, you might find the following links helpful, some online brands, some tiny local shops from around the world.

Pinter and Martin, the wonderful publisher of Milky Moments (and other amazing books)

Wordery (Free international delivery)

Book Depository (Free International Worldwide Delivery)




WH Smith

Barnes and Noble

La Leche League of Great Britain

Liber Books (lovely bookshop in Sligo in Ireland)


Heirloom Toys (wonderful toyshops in Norfolk)

Mighty Ape (in New Zealand)

Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre (in Australia)

and (I love this) Rahva Raamat  in Estonia

There are loads more and I’ll add to this over time, but do let us know any other bookshops where you find Milky Moments or online links.

Thank you … and if you do want to buy a signed copy direct from the author (me), I have a few available to sign so don’t hesitate to get in touch.


